《以沙粒 紀錄回憶 觸動心靈

《以沙粒 紀錄回憶 觸動心靈





About Us

雪沙藝術創作有限公司,由沙畫藝術家鍾雪於2015年成立,亦為香港沙畫協會會長,創辦全球首個沙畫體驗館及全港首個分級考核沙畫証書學院- 心流沙畫藝術學院Flow Sand Art Academy-,提供沙畫藝術影片製作、現場沙畫表演、沙畫教學課程及講座、沙畫藝術展覽等。



曾獲多間公營機構及私人企業邀請,製作沙畫故事影片及擔任現場表演嘉賓 ,包括為國際品牌Dior 共18場品牌系列沙畫演出,Ferragamo、Sotheby’s拍賣行、香港故宮文化博物館、DIPTYQUE、日清集團、康文署旗下博物館製作香港非物質文化遺產沙畫故事及沙畫演出;ViuTV電視節目《點相》15集沙畫影片、大型慈善節目《歡樂滿東華》、《萬眾同心公益金》、《善心滿載仁愛堂》《明愛暖萬心》沙畫表演。與各大品牌及機構合作,曾參與東華三院計劃為12位晚期病患製作人生沙畫紀錄短片。

亦曾多次受邀請到外地演出及製作,澳門MGM x Robb report , 澳門JW x Fidelidade, 日本SEGA , Grand Fate Order ,和台灣演出。

善用沙畫獨一無二的吸引力,結合說故事的形式和感人內容,更能觸動觀眾。現場表演經驗非常豐富,風格唯美;製作客戶沙畫故事及宣傳影片,曾合作機構及品牌:香港迪士尼樂園、恆隆集團、K11 ARTUS、信和集團、UBS瑞銀、匯豐銀行、恒生銀行、Guerlain、Benefit Cosmetics、Hallmark、Ebay、AIA、保誠保險、香港動植物公園、香港機場管理局、機電工程處、香港電車公司、香港紅十字會等。亦曾接受多個電視、電台、報章媒體訪問。








2023年於旺角新世紀廣場商場2樓241號 創辦心流沙畫藝術學院Flow Sand Art Academy,為全球首個沙畫體驗館及全港首個分級考核沙畫証書學院,願能將沙畫帶到每個角落。




Snow Sand Art Limited was founded by Snow Chung(a Hong Kong sand artist)in 2015. We are dedicated to the conscientious production of videos, live performances, teaching courses, seminars and gallery exhibitions promoting the art of sand painting.

We adopt innovative and down-to-earth approach, fusing original music and animation with creative real image to make story-telling movies, aiming at creating artistic output to be the most touching, the most surprising and the most innovative as well.

Since our company’s inception, we have been committing ourselves to explore and promote business markets related to the art of sand-painting, ranging from sand-painting story-telling videos with brand-built-in promotion, sand-painting live performance  to wedding sand-painting production, with wide varieties of topics involved, having been widely acclaimed by different sectors of the community.

We were invited for different public corporations and private companies to make sand-painting story-telling videos, to conduct live performance, including Disneyland,Ferragamo, Sotheby’s ,UBS,museums (Intangible Cultural Heritage) under Leisure and Cultural Services Department, ViuTV (15 episodes about sand-painting), TVB renowned fund raising programme (Tung Wah Group of Hospitals, The Community Chest , Yan Oi Tong ,etc.) We had an experience working with Tung Wah Group of Hospitals, making sand-painting videos by weaving respective life time memories for the 12 terminal patients.

In the field of education, we are continuously devoted to the popularization of sand painting– teaching in more than 80 kindergartens/ primary schools/ secondary schools/ universities/ institutions. Apart from teaching courses provided to general pupils, we still provide tailor-made courses for pupils with special education needs (SEN), for physically disabled, and for those with mental stress.

In 2021, we launched online lessons for sand painting, in hope of people’s accessing this type of art. In the same year we broke through the stereotype design of sand-painting lamp-kit, with a self-designed Athens-Style ‘light-box’– lightweight, elegant look, easy to carry, to cater for the needs of Hong Kong people.

We also rolled out sand-painting classes for Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction(MBSR), with teachers having obtained certificates recognized by  the Center for Mindfulness in Medicine, Health and Society, University of Massachusetts Medical School, USA and Brown University, hoping to integrate sand-painting into MBSR so as to let people penetrating in the world of ‘sand-mindfulness’.

In 2022, we published a book fusing ‘sand-painting teaching’ with ‘mind healing’ — 〈Snow & Sand〉. This book encourages readers to enter into ‘the world of sand’ without prohibitive costs (just beginning with creating oneself a ‘light-box’), getting the firsthand experience of FREEDOM in this wonderful world.

Having been to Austria to study SAND ART, SNOW CHUNG was the first Hong Kong artist to bring such SAND ART back to the Hong Kong market. Since 2019, she has
been making different SAND ART artifacts with diverse styles.

These artifacts are recognized by Hong Kong Trade Development Council to be 100% locally made. SNOW CHUNG was admitted into one of the local designers for ‘Hong Kong Strengths of Creative Design’. Her self-designed artifacts and DIY suite are now sold under ‘ Design Gallery, Hong Kong’ at Wan Chai Conference and Exhibition Centre and The Barn (D2 Place).

SNOW CHUNG had been absorbed in ART Of MOVIES for several years and became a light painter in 2020, using light and shadow to produce story-telling videos and shows.

Our Work


  • 品牌故事沙畫及原創音樂製作
  • 即場沙畫X現場音樂表演
  • 婚禮沙畫創作系列
  • 沙畫音樂影片及公司宣傳片段系列
  • 個人客戶沙畫製作
  • 即場光影X現場音樂表演及影片製作
  • Branding story by mixing sand-painting with original music

Music Videos , Company Promotion / anniversary videos ,Brand story — with original music production

  • Series of Musical Sand-painting for promotion
  • Live sand-painting X Live music performance

for concerts, conferences, promotions, publications, dinners
  • Sand-painting creations for weddings
Sand-painting the grow-up process , to thank parents , Sand-painting the come-across, Sand-painting for your loved
  • Series of Musical Sand-painting for promotion
  • Tailor-made Sand-painting Creations
Birthday gifts, Proposing to, Grow-up illustrations, Gifts for Father’s Day, Gifts for Mother’s Day, Gifts for Valentine’s Day, Gifts for graduation, Documentary for pets…
  • Light-and-Shadow with Live Music shows / Video Production






『每一次轉動,為你送上不同風景 ・ 每一秒鐘,治癒你心靈』

《聖誕夜燈沙漏畫DIY 禮物套裝》


架上小按鈕輕按能調光暗,附送本地插畫藝術家Wulo設計聖誕卡 ,禮物盒以藤籃設計 加上聖誕果子裝飾,更具聖誕氣氛


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